1997-2004 Mitsubishi Delica L400 New Gen.2 Model AC Air Compressor – AVAILABLE

SOLD Full service*: N/A Please Call anytime for more detailed information. Mitsubishi Delica L400 New Gen.2 Model AC Air Compressor 1997-2004 V6 3,000 cc Gas or 4 Cylinder Diesel 2,800 cc is ok. 1997-2004 Mitsubishi Delica L400 New Gen.2 Model AC Air Compressor * This has been tested many Years in Canada and Asia with a reliable performance. Must only be install by Qualified AC Techinican.

* All in Stock BRAND NEW Direct fit already retrofit ready for 134A freon, oil on this and mechanism is already design for 134A freon, so nothing to worry just need to install and enjoy your car with this New AC Compressor.

Contact the dealer to check availability

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